• Euro secondary sidelined

    Broader market volatility is adding to the summer doldrums in the European securitisation secondary market as it is keeping even more players on the sidelines.

    The market continues to lack conviction as activity remains patchy and very light. What little trading there was yesterday was once again mainly focused on prime assets.

    Meanwhile, BWIC activity also remains negligible and yesterday's handful of .......

    SCIWire 20 August 2015

  • More mezz for US CLOs

    The US CLO secondary market continues to be quiet overall, but mezz supply keeps coming.

    The past few days have seen a steady supply of 2.0 mezz BWICs. The lists have continued to trade reasonably well, with top tier names seeing some strong prints.

    Consequently, sellers continue to be encouraged despite typical August illiquidity across CLO secondary in general. Today .......

    SCIWire 19 August 2015

  • Counterparty-linked review underway

    S&P has placed 70 RMBS, 10 CDO, six CLO and five ABS tranches from European transactions on credit watch negative. The agency's actions are in response to the introduction of bank resolution frameworks in the UK and Germany, and the subsequent lowering of ratings to banks that serve as counterparties to the related transactions.

    S&P lowered the ratings on Barclays, Deutsche Bank and National Westminster .......

    News Round-up 19 August 2015

  • Portfolio manager steps up

    Robert Zable has been appointed as the lead portfolio manager of Blackstone/GSO's Senior Floating Rate Term Fund, Long-Short Credit Income Fund and Strategic Credit Fund. The appointment follows the retirement of the current lead portfolio manager of the three funds, Lee Shaiman.

    Zable is md at GSO Capital Partners and serves as the chairman of GSO Debt Fund Management's (DFM) investment committee. .......

    Job Swaps 19 August 2015

  • Euro secondary unchanged

    European securitisation secondary spreads remain unchanged as the seasonal lull continues.

    Yesterday once again saw very limited flows across the board. Small and patchy exceptions came in selected autos, cards and CMBS.

    Today's European BWIC schedule currently contains three lists. At 10:00 London time there is mixed sterling RMBS list involving small clips.

    In the afternoon there are two CLO .......

    SCIWire 19 August 2015

  • China accessibility expanding

    S&P says that China's securitisation market has offered international investors greater access to renminbi assets over the last three quarters, helping bridge the gap between domestic and international practices. The latest development in July saw the start of offshore investors using QFII and RQFII channels to buy securitisation notes in the interbank bond market.

    China's securitisation market is small compared with its .......

    News Round-up 18 August 2015

  • Hedge fund fraud settled

    Two Citigroup affiliates have agreed to pay nearly US$180m to the US SEC to settle charges that they defrauded investors in two hedge funds that they claimed were safe, low-risk and suitable for traditional bond investors. The funds eventually collapsed during the financial crisis.

    The regulator's investigation found that the Citigroup affiliates made false and misleading representations to investors in .......

    Job Swaps 18 August 2015

  • Euro secondary drifts

    The European securitisation secondary market continues to drift through August.

    For the most part secondary spreads remain unchanged since last week and volumes are extremely light. There are occasional flurries of activity notably, as ever, in prime assets, but also in a few major CMBS names.

    There are no BWICs on the schedule for today so far, but summer inertia .......

    SCIWire 18 August 2015

  • US CLOs on the up?

    While still quiet the US CLO secondary market appears to be on the up.

    Market sentiment looks to be improving on the back of some stronger trading levels in secondary and tighter pricing in primary over the past week. However, secondary volumes remain typically low for August and the BWIC calendar is currently sparse for the remainder of this week.

    SCIWire 17 August 2015

  • Structured credit pro tapped

    Lloyds has bolstered its financial institutions business with the appointment of Thomas Sandberg as associate director. He will join the bank's relationship solutions team, which is responsible for delivering bespoke solutions to financial institutions, as well as providing strategic advice around navigating regulatory and economic change.

    Sandberg joins from Bank of America Merrill Lynch, where he was vp of the Nordic .......

    Job Swaps 14 August 2015

  • Euro secondary stays calm

    The European securitisation secondary market continues to stay calm in terms of both activity and price volatility.

    Summer illiquidity along with broader market volatility, albeit reduced, kept most market participants on the sidelines again yesterday. Activity continued in pockets with autos and a handful of CLOs being the main signs of life, though spreads overall remained unmoved.

    Nevertheless, with wider .......

    SCIWire 14 August 2015

  • US CLOs pick up

    Activity in the US CLO secondary market has picked up slightly over the past 24 hours.

    "Activity has ticked up a little," says one trader. "But it's still only at moderate levels for August."

    The trader continues: "We saw a bit more trading overall yesterday, but we're still range-bound. It doesn't seem like there's a lot of focus on CLO .......

    SCIWire 13 August 2015

  • US CLO credit weakening

    US CLO credit quality weakened slightly between the first and second quarters of 2015, according to Moody's latest 360-degree report on the sector. The most notable change was a rise in the number of companies rated B3 or lower with negative outlooks, which could suggest an increase in default rates.

    Although somewhat improved from last year, high-yield corporate credit standards .......

    News Round-up 13 August 2015

  • Euro secondary stays insulated

    The European securitisation secondary market remains quiet despite broader market volatility.

    "It's still pretty slow," says one trader. "We've remained insulated from the China news, but it's August so the market is illiquid."

    The latest THRONES deal remains the chief talking point. "Price talk on the new deal is weak and while that should have a knock-on impact in secondary .......

    SCIWire 13 August 2015

  • Equity exits spark concerns

    Investors have been left in doubt over the potential impact of two BDCs shifting their focus away from US CLO equity, accordings to Wells Fargo structured product analysts. In one case, a Benefit Street Partners (BSP) affiliate is set to acquire TICC Management (SCI 5 August), while the other concerns THL Credit (TCRD).

    Specifically, a BSP proxy filing stated that TICC's portfolio .......

    News 12 August 2015

  • Euro secondary limps on

    Despite broader market volatility the European securitisation secondary market continues to limp along on very thin volumes.

    "There's not a great deal happening with only a few BWICs and a couple of OWICs due all this week," says one trader. "We're fully into summer and the weaker macro picture isn't helping."

    So far, the European ABS/MBS market has been insulated .......

    SCIWire 12 August 2015

  • US CLOs head sideways

    Recent low volumes and sideways price moves look set to continue in the US CLO secondary market.

    "Last week was quiet and it's even quieter this," says one trader. "It's really turned into an unusually slow summer and it looks like we'll be trading sideways until mid-September because of when Labor Day falls and expectations over the Fed."

    Secondary supply .......

    SCIWire 11 August 2015

  • Oil exposure affects CLOs

    The percentage of US CLO 2.0 loans trading below 90 has increased above 6% for the first time since the start of the year, with a clear inverse relationship to oil prices. Meanwhile, having steadily climbed for years, the percentage of US loans with Libor floors has also finally fallen.

    A continued fall in oil prices - and rise in .......

    News 11 August 2015

  • CLO credit quality remains strong

    Moody's has released its debut 360-degree report of the European CLO market and its 2Q15 performance, analysing macroeconomic and financial market conditions, high yield corporate sector trends and credit conditions that correlate with credit quality. The report adopts the same approach that the agency recently used in its report on the US CLO market's performance in 1Q15 (SCI June 3).

    The .......

    News Round-up 11 August 2015

  • Euro CLO 2.0 bond re-priced

    The class A noteholder of Carlyle Global Market Strategies Euro CLO 2013-1 has approved the reduction of the margin on the notes from 130bp to 115bp and the elimination of its right to remove/replace the collateral manager (SCI 31 July), with effect from the 17 August IPD. The move marks the first time that a European CLO has been 'Volckerised' .......

    News Round-up 11 August 2015

  • Euro secondary winds down

    The European securitisation secondary markets continue to wind down as seasonal factors hold sway.

    "We're really in summer mode now with not a lot of flows," says one trader. "Activity is down to a minimum with little BWIC supply and no major credit news to stimulate trading."

    One piece of relevant news did however come from the similarly quiet primary .......

    SCIWire 11 August 2015
