Rarity value
European ABS market update
The European ABS market remains characterised by a lack of free flow. Against this backdrop, the senior notes of the Spanish Gedesco Trade Receivables 2020-1 transaction are attracting investor interest, due to its rarity value.
“It is still very much the same tone. Generally, we are not seeing a huge amount of trading,” one trader notes.
He .......
Market Reports 21 February 2020
Minority equity interest acquired
Sector developments and company hires
Equity interest acquired
Affiliated Managers Group has acquired a minority equity interest in Comvest Partners. The Comvest management team will be investing 100% of the transaction proceeds directly into future funds to support the firm’s growth initiatives. Following the transaction, the senior partners of Comvest will continue to own a significant majority of the equity of the business.HPI .......
Market Moves 20 February 2020
C-PACE fund debuts
Standalone platform leads origination
Samas Asset Management (SAM) has launched its debut fund, a closed-end vehicle dubbed SAMAS FUNDING PACE FUND LLLP Series 2020. The Samas entities are now the ‘‘largest standalone commercial PACE origination platform in the US’’.
The PACE bonds in this fund represent a diversified portfolio associated with small- and medium-sized commercial properties.
‘‘Projects that we finance generate .......
News 20 February 2020
Ares co-founder steps down from board
Sector developments and company hires
North America
Market Moves 17 February 2020
Ares Management Corporation has appointed Kipp deVeer to its board. Concurrently, John Kissick - a retired co-founder of Ares - is stepping down from the board. DeVeer, who joined the firm in 2004, is a partner and head of the Ares Credit Group. He serves as a member of the Ares executive management committee and the firm’s management .......
Italian private market JV inked
Sector developments and company hires
Market Moves 13 February 2020
Oxane Partners has appointed Andrew Tisdall as director, portfolio management solutions. Tisdall will report to Sumit Gupta, co-founder of Oxane, and will focus on expanding the firm’s portfolio management business in Europe. Tisdall has more than 22 years of experience in loan operations at Mount Street, Morgan Stanley and Barclays. He joins Oxane from Mount Street, where he was .......
Doubling up
European ABS market update
A pair of deals in the pipeline have captured the interest of European ABS market participants. Skipton Building Society’s Darrowby No. 5 RMBS marks the lender’s return to the market after four years, while DTGO Corp’s Magenta 2020 transaction is the first CMBS linked to SONIA.
One portfolio manager points to the maturing of its TFS funding as a potential .......
Market Reports 13 February 2020
CRT upgraded due to 'substantial' increase in CE
Sector developments and company hires
Canadian MBS ETF
Market Moves 12 February 2020
BMO Asset Management has launched a new stable of ETFs trading on the TSX, including the first MBS ETF in Canada. Dubbed BMO Canadian MBS Index ETF, the offering aims to provide unique exposure to a segment of the MBS market fully guaranteed by the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC). The pools each have a term .......
CMBS trustee assumption refuted
Sector developments and company hires
Michael Newell has joined Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft as a partner in London. A member of INREV’s Public Affairs Committee, Newell was previously a partner at Norton Rose Fulbright. His focus is the formation of real asset funds, credit funds and hedge funds, as well as technology and emerging market focused private equity funds.North America
Market Moves 10 February 2020
KBRA has named .......
GSE Libor transition deadlines released
Sector developments and company hires
ECOWAS prepping ABS
Market Moves 6 February 2020
The Commission of the of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and the World Bank are developing a securitisation of payments related to the cross-border power trade in West Africa. In order to address the low access of the West African population to electricity, ECOWAS member states are pooling efforts through the development of an .......
Investment grade debut
Landmark post-crisis CMBS announced
Citi, Deutsche Bank and JPMorgan are prepping a post-crisis ‘first of its kind’ US CMBS. Dubbed Benchmark 2020-IG1, the US$660m transaction is collateralised by 13 non-controlling pari passu participations of fixed rate loans, secured by 45 properties. When analysed separately, each participation demonstrates investment grade credit characteristics.
KBRA notes that all loans will be serviced outside of the .......
News 5 February 2020
Rating agency shuffles senior US staff
Sector developments and company hires
Market Moves 5 February 2020
Pan-European special situations and credit trading lawyer Justin Conway has joined McCarthy Denning as a partner in its banking and finance department. Conway, a dual-qualified solicitor in both England and Wales and New Zealand, was previously a partner at Jones Day. He has extensive experience in advising clients on all aspects of debt, investment and loan portfolio trading across key .......
Hong Kong landmark
First-of-a-kind deal could herald broader securitisation market return
A landmark ABS deal in Hong Kong is anticipated to be the first of many. At the same time, there is optimism for broader regional growth.
Ocean Funding 2019-1 closed on 5 December 2019, having issued US$200m of senior secured floating rate notes backed by a portfolio of unsecured HK$ consumer loans originated by Hong Kong-based loan firm .......
News Analysis 4 February 2020
Hedge fund liquidated amid accounting probe
Sector developments and company hires
Hedge fund liquidated amid accounting probe
Market Moves 27 January 2020
TCA Fund Management Group is liquidating its main credit hedge fund, TCA Global Credit Master Fund, after the fund received redemption and withdrawal requests in excess of available cash. The redemptions come amid a US SEC probe into the firm’s accounting practices. According to whistleblowers, the firm has US$300m in assets - not US$500m - .......
Chinese reference centre upgrade 'credit positive'
Sector developments and company hires
Credit system upgraded
Market Moves 23 January 2020
The People's Bank of China’s Credit Reference Center last week upgraded its credit information system to record and provide more comprehensive credit information on individuals and enterprises. The upgraded system can lead to better measurement and understanding of risk by lenders, which is credit positive for the asset quality of their loan books and any securitisations that .......
'No Data' threshold consultation underway
Sector developments and company hires
C-PACE partnership
Eyzenberg & Company and Greenworks Lending have formed Eyzenberg Green Capital, a partnership dedicated to funding commercial real estate transactions through commercial PACE. Eyzenberg Green Capital is a direct balance sheet provider, with significant lending capacity. The aim is to achieve a low cost of capital for C-PACE financing, supported by permanent capital and multiple funding outlets.Market Moves 17 January 2020
First green CMBS prepped
Goldman Sachs is marketing River Green Finance 2020, which is expected to be the first green European CMBS. The deal comprises four tranches totalling €186.39m, plus two as yet unsized X classes and is set to close on 29 January.
River Green Finance 2020 is a true sale transaction backed by a single loan secured by a single property located .......
News 8 January 2020
THEAT 2007-1 and 2007-2 set to repay
Sector developments and company hires
Asia Pacific
Market Moves 7 January 2020
ISDA has appointed Su Yen Chia as its new head of Asia-Pacific public policy. Chia previously served as alternate chief executive for Euroclear Bank (Hong Kong branch) from June 2017. In this role, she played an integral part in developing policy positions and interacting with regulatory and government authorities across the Asia-Pacific region. Prior to Euroclear, Chia was head .......
Canadian restructuring
Alberta energy market stress hits CMBS
Calgary-based real estate investment firm Strategic Group last week submitted an initial application filing under Canada’s Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (CCAA), citing 50 named entities and associated commercial properties within its portfolio. Of the affected office properties, five secure loans securitised in four Canadian CMBS within DBRS Morningstar’s rated book.
According to Strategic Group, prolonged stress in the Alberta economy .......
News 20 December 2019
GSE price-fixing lawsuit settled
Sector developments and company hires
CLO manager transfer
Hunt Investment Management has assigned collateral manager duties for the Hunt CRE 2017-FL1 and Hunt CRE 2018-FL2 CRE CLOs to OREC Investment Management. Moody's has confirmed that the move will not result in any adverse rating action. For more CDO manager transfers, see SCI’s database.Credit opportunity fund
Market Moves 18 December 2019
Arrow Global’s new Arrow Credit Opportunities SCSp fund has raised €628.5m .......
Structured credit pro returns to the buy-side
Sector developments and company hires
Market Moves 17 December 2019
Kingswood Holdings has appointed Lindsey McMurray and Howard Garland to its board from Pollen Street Capital. The move is as per the terms of the investment completed in September, which saw up to £80m committed by way of an issue of irredeemable convertible preference shares to certain investors and funds managed or advised by Pollen Street. McMurray founded Pollen Street in .......
Sticking with the programme
ABSPP hits new high, but total volumes remain low
Latest figures from the ECB show that its ABSPP holdings are at an all-time high. However, the programme remains far from the market moving purchaser it was once expected to be.
Bank of America European structured finance analysts report that ECB net purchases under the ABSPP in October and November were €1.16bn and €1.266bn respectively, representing the highest monthly net .......
News 12 December 2019