CLO Markets

All Update archive

  • CLO Markets Daily - 23 May 2023

    *EU new issues: CSAM’s MDPKE 19 expected to price on Thursday*US primary market: HalseyPoint CLO 7 marketed; Oaktree 2023-II expected to price on Friday*WA spread of loans ............

    23 May 2023
  • CLO Markets EU Deal Alert - 23 May 2023, 16.15 UK time

    Several tranches of CSAM’s Madison Park Euro Funding XIX are now subject, according to investors. But the triple-Bs and double-Bs were not covered yet, based on a deal update sent ......

    23 May 2023
  • CLO Markets US Deal Alert - 23 May 2023, 15.00 UK time

    Oaktree 2023-II, a US BSL CLO managed by Oaktree Capital Management, is expected to price on Friday via Morgan Stanley, according to investors.All tranches were subject earlier today, except the ......

    23 May 2023
  • Lev finance spreads likely to widen on H2

    The maturity walls in the European leveraged finance sector can delay defaults this year and the second quarter, but they will not “offer much protection from spread widening” in ......

    23 May 2023
  • CLO Markets Daily - 22 May 2023

    *US new issues: Fortress Credit BSL XIX expected to price early next week; talk on Barings 2023-II’s double-As and double-Bs revised*BofA US strategists expect Japanese investor de ............

    22 May 2023
  • CLO Markets US Deal Alert - 22 May 2023, 18.30 UK time

    Fortress Credit BSL XIX is expected to price early next week via Goldman Sachs, according to investors.The deal is managed by FC BSL XIX Management (Fortress). The transaction is intended ......

    22 May 2023
  • CLO Markets Daily -19 May 2023

    *EU new issues: IPTs out for Invesco Euro CLO X and Contego CLO XI; Signal Harmonic CLO I priced*M&G marks return to CLO market with ESG-heavy transaction*US new issues: Fidelity's ......

    19 May 2023
  • CLO Markets EU Deal Alert - 19 May 2023, 18.55 UK time

    Rothschild’s Five Arrows Managers is in the market with Contego CLO XI, a European CLO. BofA is the arranger. NatWest Markets Plc is co-placement agent.Pricing is targeted for next week, ......

    19 May 2023
  • CLO Markets EU Deal Alert - 19 May 2023, 16.30 UK time

    Barclays is marketing Invesco Euro CLO X, a CLO managed by Invesco. Pricing is targeted for the beginning/middle of the week of 29 May.This is Invesco’s second European deal this ......

    19 May 2023
  • CLO Markets EU Deal Alert - 19 May 2023, 15.50 UK time

    Signal Harmonic CLO I has priced via Deutsche Bank.The Class A notes, which contained some protected orders, priced at 210bp, in line with IPTs.This is Signal Capital Partners’ debut CLO. ......

    19 May 2023
  • CLO Markets US Deal Alert - 19 May 2023, 9.10 UK time

    Ballyrock CLO 24, a US BSL CLO managed by Ballyrock Investment Advisors (Fidelity), priced on Thursday via Citi.As previously reported, the deal was upsized during the marketing process. The ............

    19 May 2023
  • CLO Markets Daily - 18 May 2023

    *EU new issues: IPTs out for MDPKE 19*Barings Euro CLO 2022-1’s €92.8m Class A-1 Loan converted into Class -A1 notes*During 2022, European CLO managers regained some of th ............

    18 May 2023
  • CLO Markets EU Deal Alert - 18 May 2023, 16.50 UK time

    Initial price thoughts are circulating for Madison Park Euro Funding XIX, according to investors. Pricing week is targeted for next week via Natixis.The latest capital structure of the trans ............

    18 May 2023
  • CLO Markets Daily - 17 May 2023

    *EU new issues: M&G’s Margay I priced*US new issues: Palmer Square Loan Funding 2023-1 priced EUROPEAN PRIMARY MARKET M&GMargay CLO I, M&G ............

    17 May 2023
  • CLO Markets EU Deal Alert - 17 May 2023, 19.10 UK time

    Margay CLO I, M&G Investment Management’s inaugural CLO 2.0 deal, has priced.Most tranches priced in line with IPTs – the only exception was the double-B tranche.The trans ............

    17 May 2023
  • CLO Markets US Deal Alert - 17 May 2023, 13.25 UK time

    Palmer Square Loan Funding 2023-1, a US static CLO managed by Palmer Square, has priced via Citi. The deal was upsized to a target par amount of $430m from $400m. ......

    17 May 2023
  • CLO Markets Daily - 16 May 2023

    *US new issues: KKR CLO 52’s capital structure and IPTs revised; Carlyle US CLO 2023-2 under guidance*Note redemption considered for Cairn CLO VI SECONDARY MARKE ............

    16 May 2023
  • CLO Markets US Deal Alert - 16 May 2023, 17.00 UK time

    Goldman Sachs is marketing Carlyle US CLO 2023-2, a BSL CLO managed by Carlyle CLO Management, according to investors.The deal is based on $400m target par and is set to ......

    16 May 2023
  • CLO Markets US Deal Alert - 16 May 2023, 16.45 UK time

    The capital structure and IPTs of KKR CLO 52, a US BSL managed by KKR Credit, have been revised, according to investors.The target par is now $315m, compared to $400m ......

    16 May 2023
  • CLO Markets EU Deal Alert - 16 May 2023, 14.10 UK time

    Cairn CLO VI’s retention holder and/or certain subordinated noteholders are currently exploring a potential redemption of the notes to be effected through the liquidation or realisation of ............

    16 May 2023
  • CLO Markets Daily - 15 May 2023

    *EU new issues: Status update for M&G’s Margay CLO I*US new issues: Barings CLO Ltd. 2023-II and Birch Grove CLO 6 Ltd marketed; Tikehau US IV (2.1-year RP) and RIN ......

    15 May 2023
