Market Commentaries
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8 April 2021
Busiest day in a couple of weeks with > 50 trades and US LLI ticking up another 9bps today following +11bps yesterday. Fairly consistent execution on AAA with trades at or around the par ceiling with slightly weaker execution on AAA bonds with coupons < our generic secondary level of 115dm.
USD CLO Mezz/Equity
AA execution similar to AAA with bonds today hitting the par ceiling, with the exception of DEN11 2015-1A A2RR (Crestline) which has a low coupon +165bps which is at the tight end of new issue guidance, it covers 171dm which is at our generic secondary level 170dm. BBBs trade in a very wide dispersion 262dm-509dm, this is explained by a variety of profiles including highly distressed bonds, delivered/short WALs and credit impaired. At the wide end and DNT (best bid 85.61) and clear outlier is a highly distressed bond from Bardin Hill HLA 2014-3A D covers 85.61 / 908dm 3y WAL and is a downgraded original BBB to BB – Sub80 is high 17.4, MVOC is low 103.5, WARF is high 3752, Jnr OC cushion -15.4 and CCC 20%. The note is not PIKing but is PIKable with the 3 bond tranches beneath is PIKing and the equity not receiving distributions for 2 years now. We have tightened our BBB curve very slightly to 353dm further to today’s execution levels. More than 30 x BB trades today in a 200dm dispersion, 606dm-810dm range. BB bonds with MVOC < 105 being met with bids <95, for instance at the wide end is Vibrant’s VIBR 2018-9X D CVR 90.55 810dm 6.9y WAL – MVOC 104.6 and bond coupon +625bps, without looking at the credit factors on this bond the callability is low given the coupon structure is much lower than new issue 675-700bps and our secondary level 665dm. Now, taking into context credit – Sub80 assets high at 2.95, Jnr OC cushion cuspy 1.2, ADR 1.45, CCC 7%, cov-lite 21% and the manager’s record is weaker to peers. At the other end of the scale is York’s YCLO 2019-2A E that covers near par ceiling 99.77 at 698dm 8.9y WAL - the manager has a better track record, bond coupon is high +694bps (NC 6m away), MVOC 108.4, Sub80 1.3, ADR 0.6 and Jnr OC cushion strong 5.5.
We have the first EUR CLO BWIC trades since the Easter break today. 2 x AAA traded. Both are callable but Black Diamond 2015-1 is in amortisation. Adagio 6 traded at 126dm and Black Diamond 2015-1 at 114dm, which is about 2bps tighter than our curve.
There are 3 x A trades today. Again all callable and Cairn 6 is in amortisation. Barings 2018-1 and Jubilee 2014-11 are not the cleanest of deals. They have MVOCs around 122% and Jnr OC cushions around 0.5%. All these trades were in a range from 225dm to 270dm.
7 April 2021
A further pick up in activity with 25 covers today, with the majority in mezz, US LSTA Index continued to firm up +11bps on the day. Our AAA generic secondary curve remains 115dm, a familiar theme on execution with bonds carrying coupons < this generic level cover <par (albeit very slight discount).
USD CLO Mezz/Equity
1 x AA trade OZLM 2015-13A A2R which is low coupon (+165bps) and lower than our generic secondary curve again (168dm), with new issue short end 145/150bps area and long end 170bps area there is no a clear path to call on this bond. Furthermore ADR is elevated 1.7, IDT cushion is negative -0.5 and CCC is high at 9.7 so net effect weaker execution with CVR 99.93 at 168dm in line with our curve. BBB bonds also trade at a discount, our generic curve is slightly tighter 354dm (new issue 330/335bps area) with the trades today carrying coupons 260bps-300bps and execution 328dm-351dm bringing our curve in 2bps. A large number of BB trades today with a significant dispersion in execution 605dm-820dm, our generic curve tightens slightly to 660dm with new issue slightly back 675-700bps area. Notably two BB bonds that are not callable till later this year at the earliest, carrying high coupons > secondary / primary, execute well above par 101h and 102h. The high current cashflow of a BB rated bond with at least 8pts of OC, strong cushions (Jnr OC cushions >5%) and solid credit performance remain attractive to investors in this low rate environment. These 2 bonds are managed by Blackrock and HalseyPoint respectively and can be seen on our trade listing today - MAGNE 2019-24A E and HLSY 2020-3A E. At the other end of the spectrum, Alcentra’s SHACK 2013-3X ER covers 89h – coupon is low +588bps, MVOC is low 104, ADR is elevated 1.3, CCC high at 10.3 and Jnr OC cushion is low at 1.2 so path to reset is unlikely near term.
6 April 2021
A pick up in activity with 19 covers today off the back of the limited number of trades yesterday. AAA continue to execute at the par ceiling with bonds carrying coupons of <110bps executing with covers with a very small discount. Our generic secondary curve is unchanged at 115dm with US LSTA Index up 8bps on the day.
USD CLO Mezz/Equity
Three single-A trades today in a narrow trading range 200dm-209dm (bond coupon dispersion 180bps-205bps) with our generic secondary curve more aligned with new issue longer WALs at 216dm. Trades today do not benefit from high callability hence execution is not at the par ceiling. PGIM’s DRSLF 2019-75A CR2 suffers from the weakest execution at 98h given lower bond coupon +180bps, elevated ADR 1.3 and Sub80 2.3 and CCC at it’s threshold 7.5%.
5 April 2021
4 trades today, with 3 of the bonds trading at the par ceiling whilst US LLI bounces back 11bps from Friday's close. Our generic secondary AAA curve had shifted slightly wider to 115dm off the back of some isolated month end weakness but likely normalise given the positive momentum today. CIFC Funding 2018-I A covers slightly below par given callability linked to the margin structure (+100bps) is below primary reset levels and as such secondary execution is a touch softer at 99.88 at 103dm. This deal is managed by a benchmark manager CIFC, with strong cushions (Jnr OC cushion 4.5) but MVOC is a around 4pts back from other comps at 150.23, whilst CCC is high at 7.3 and Sub80 priced assets slightly elevated at 2.3%.
1 April 2021
17 x high grade trades today. AAA trade at the par ceiling with 2 exceptions, firstly a 2nd pay AAA Wind River 2018-2 CLO (first Eagle) Ltd Class A2 that covers below par 99.77 at 149dm, with relatively clean metrics. Secondly Zais CLO 9 Ltd Class A 1st pay covers at a discount 98.78 at 152dm – this has a coupon of 120bps, low MVOC 148, cuspy IDT cushion 0.6, almost 5% of assets priced sub 80, high retail balance 6.8% with CCC 8.3. Our generic AAA curve is 109dm as of month end.
USD CLO Mezz/Equity
Our generic AA curve is 183dm at month end, whilst 3 bonds trade at a discount to par today which have coupons <145bps. Trading range today is 143dm-160dm but noting these are all ‘lower’ relative coupons. VOYA17-1 A2 covers at par (higher coupon +160bps with the only outlier metric CCC at 8.6) and Palmer Square’s PALMS 18-4 A2 which has been upgraded to AAA (coupon +145bps) and is a static deal so explain the high MVOC 145 and high MV AP 30.9.
31 March 2021
Today despite being month end we saw some liquidity (17 trades) across the capital stack, US LLI finishing up the quarter +102bps on year end, flat to end of January but down 29bps on February month end. AAA trades at the par ceiling with our generic curve unchanged for the past few days at 113dm.
USD CLO Mezz/Equity
One x BBB trade BCC 2019-1X D (Bain Cap) cover 100.07, this bond has EoRP 2024 with NC passed in Jan this year, coupon is +385bps with our generic BBB curve 362dm and new issue in L300s this bond trades at the ceiling given its callability supported by clean metrics. 3 x BB trades cover at their par ceiling, inherently these 3 bonds have coupons >740bps whilst our generic DM curve is 683dm and new issue is L600s there is high callability in these bonds. Conversely KKR 23 E covers LM95h with a coupon (+600bps) lower than our generic curve and primary. This bond also has very high CCC 15.5 and an IDT cushion 1.78 lower than its peers, bond is callable but ‘out of the money’ for a potential reset.
Just 1 x AA trade today. Armada 1 traded at 100.07 / 203dm.
30 March 2021
With quarter end looming it was no surprise that it was another day of lacklustre activity. AAA bonds with coupon <115bps trade at a small discount 99.76-99.92 (99dm-121dm) whilst high coupon bonds (>135bps) trade at the par ceiling 135dm-141dm with minimal effect from credit factors on execution at this end of the capital stack as the coupon structure is the key variable.
USD CLO Mezz/Equity
1 x BBB trade SNDPT 2013-2RA D (Sound Point) with a ‘low’ coupon +295bps covers 95h at 404dm, as comps new issue in vl300s and our generic curve 362dm this bond has some credit challenges – ADR is high 1.6, CCC is high 10.1, Jnr OC cushion is cuspy at 1% so trades wide to our generic curve. One BB trade ATCLO 2018-9A E (Crescent Cap) has a low BB coupon at +542bps, with new issue clearing levels +622bps and our generic curve 682dm this bond covers at a large discount 88h at 863dm / 4.4y WAL, again this trades wide to our curve given credit weakness – high ADR 2.04, MVOC is low 102.7, CCC 8.4, Jnr OC cushion is cuspy at 0.5.
There are 3 x AAA trades today. Man GLG 6 traded at 99.90 / 144dm. This is a 2020 deal and so is one of the GLG deals that is still clean. Cairn 8 traded at 100.03 / 138dm and Blackrock 10 at 100.40 / 155dm.
There are 2 x BB trades today. Madison Park 13, which is callable now, traded at 96.14 / 677dm. Blackrock 9, which has nearly 3 months to end of non call period, traded at 98.28 / 690dm.
29 March 2021
Given month end is lurking there’s a quieter feel, 16 covers today across the capital stack. With Ballyrock’s reset AAA pricing +106bps this shows a little tightening of the curve, bonds with coupons <105bps trade at a discount with an exception LCM 16A A2R (+118bps coupon) cover 99.925 at 120dm / 4.1y WAL – mixed manager record but also the MVOC of 153.5 is on the low side (vs LCM 26A A1 157.23 CVR 100.01). There is a 2nd pay from CSAM MDPK 2018-31A A2A that covers 99.90 at 152dm which is a rarer trade but a good data point that trades at its ceiling.
USD CLO Mezz/Equity
One AA trade BURNH 2016-1A BR (Blackstone), a small clip that covers 99.91 at 152dm with a running coupon +150bps – as a comp Ballyrock’s AA priced +160bps with our generic secondary AA curve slightly tighter at 173dm. No credit issues on this Blackstone bond. Single-A trade 213dm-219dm today, both bonds at a discount with coupons +195-215bps with Ballyrock’s single-A pricing +205bps and our generic curve unchanged at 221dm. BBB bonds all trade at par today, Ballyrock’s BBB pricing a touch wider than mid-March prints at +310bps with our generic curve 361dm all the executed bonds today have coupons >380bps so have a path to reset, whilst metrics are clean. See PriceABS trade listing for details.
The 2 x AA today are both fixed rate. They traded with small premiums at around 242bps over unfloored Libor.
The other trade is a single B. Blackrock 8 traded at 97.50 / 911dm.
25 March 2021
A more modest day of liquidity following a heavy Wednesday, with 23 trades today, US S&P LLI is now flat to Friday close but lost all the gains seen on Monday (down 7bps). Our AAA generic curve remains unchanged at 113dm and AAA trades (coupons >115bps) trade at their ceiling. Trimarin’s CRMN 2014-1A A1AR (coupon +126bps) covers at a small discount 99.95 at 128dm since it has some weaker metrics – ADR 1.9, Jnr OC cushion 0.5.
USD CLO Mezz/Equity
Both single-A trades today cover at their par ceiling, profiles are high coupons 295bps-325bps (vs new issue +205bps and our generic secondary curve 213dm) along with strong cushions (Jnr OC 2.8-3.5) despite elevated ADRs 1.5-1.6 but WARFs are strong <3000. BBB trade at par ceiling with one exception, new issue is +335 / our secondary generic curve is 362dm. The exception is a low coupon bond +290bps ARES 2014-32RA C with low MVOC 109.7 and a lower Jnr OC cushion (1.1) cover is 97.9 at 330dm / 6y WAL. The majority of BBB trades today that trade at the ceiling are 3.0 high coupons with defensive structures and pools. BB bonds trade in a wide dm dispersion 633dm-917dm. A strong 3.0 BB WOODS 2020-22A E (Angelo Gordon) covers 101.28, this bond has an extremely strong profile – high MVOC 110.8, 0 Sub80, low WARF 2715, low CCC 2%, strong Jnr Oc cushion 4.6 with 0 cov lites on top of strong cashflow with high coupon +882bps. At the other end of the spectrum is a trade from MidOcean MIDO 2013-2A ER covers 87.17 at 917dm / 5.7y WAL – Jnr OC cushion is 0, MVOC is low 102.5, ADR is high 1.9, CCC is high 12.6 with the F tranche immediately below PIKing (however did cashflow at last IPD but has a shortfall).
Just two traded bonds on BWICs today. St Paul’s 10 single A traded at 100.19 / 306dm and St Paul’s 10 BBB at 100.24 / 428dm. This deal is callable now.
24 March 2021
An extremely busy day with almost 60 covers across the capital stack. All the AAA trade at par ceiling with some minor tiering due to lower relative bond coupons < 90bps but the effect on execution is minimal with covers on these bonds 99.90. Our generic AAA secondary curve remains unchanged at 113dm with new issue talked in L110s.
USD CLO Mezz/Equity
Single-A bonds also trade at their par ceiling, our generic curve is 212dm with new issue also in L200s area. One exception today is BLUEM 2018-1A C that has a low coupon +205bps , weak MVOC 117, high ADR 2.9. high CCC, cuspy Jnr OC cushion of 0.4 and a weaker manager profile shaking out with a cover of 98.51 at 232dm / 5.9y WAL. Our BBB generic curve is 360dm with a trading range today 301dm-491dm from an array of credit and reinvestment profiles. Also with new issue in +335area this has some effect on tiering on execution in secondary. With only a few exceptions BBB bonds with coupons <300bps cover at a discount and those with coupons >400bps trade at their par ceiling. VIBR 2018-8A C covers at the lowest price today 94.51 (coupon +285bps), credit is weak with MVOC is at the low end 109.7, ADR is high 1.5 and Jnr OC cushion is only 1% with a weaker manager record from Vibrant vs peers. However a bond with a stronger profile NEUB 2018-27A D and similar ‘low coupon’ +260bps has better execution with 97.77 cover (301dm) but has a strong MVOC 112.3 and stronger Jnr OC cushion 3.2 whilst a benchmark manager. BB trade 561dm-732dm today whilst our generic curve is 698dm (new issue 660area). 2 bonds with ‘high’ coupons >700bps trade at par ceiling with the remainder at a discount driven by credit factors along with MVOC to a lesser extent. Lowest cover today is OCT22 2014-1A ERR which has a 105 MVOC, whilst other credit metrics are sound but interest diversion cushions are very cuspy (IDT cushion 0.07) whilst the bond has lower cashflow with the coupon +545bps.
The only AA, Aurium 2, traded tight at 100.07 / 179dm. The deal is in amortisation and it is a popular manager.
The only single A, Harvest 20, traded at 100.03 / 283dm.
There are 10 x BBB trades. All apart from Cadogan Square 6 have traded L100h, because a high likelihood of refi/reset is being priced in. There aren’t any distressed bonds in this list.
The only BB is Fair Oaks 1 which is callable and traded at 99.97 / 678dm.
23 March 2021
USD CLO Mezz/Equity
A heavier day of liquidity with 31 covers, all mezz once again. AA trade at their par ceiling, Assured IM’s BlueMountain Fuji US CLO II A2 carries a lower coupon (+160bps) and covers at a small discount 99.95 at 161dm / 4.6y WAL. Our generic curve for AA is flat at 173dm which is roughly a 30bp premium to new issue +145-150bps. With regards to BBB, our generic secondary curve is 363dm with new issue +290bps. Trading levels are around par for those bonds that carry coupons close to our secondary levels (>350bps). Furthermore with similar EoRP profiles on those BBB trades <par it is an imperfect combination of MVOC, ADR, manager profiles and cushions that drive the tiering. For BB our generic curve is 698dm with new issue closeby at +650bps coupon. All the BB trades today have coupons <650dm so trade at various degrees of discount to par, with SHACK 2018-12A E (Alcentra) having a +590bps coupon whilst performance metrics are adequate but not poor, the manager’s record is weaker to its peers – this trades at the steepest discount to par today at 92.54 at 727dm / 7y WAL.
Just one single A trade today. Aqueduct 3-2019 traded at 100.15 / 305dm.
22 March 2021
USD CLO Mezz/Equity
A quieter start to the week with 13 covers all mezz whilst US LLI retraced 7bp today (of the 25bps decline since month end). One AA trade HLM 4A-2014 A2R (low coupon +150bps) covers at a discount 99.64 at 157dm / 5.2y WAL. Our AA generic curve is 173dm whilst Sixth St new issue priced +145bps on Friday as a comp showing the differential between new issue and secondary flows. The Sixth St new issue BBBs pricing +290bps (DM unknown) and our generic DM curve widening 5dm to 364dm, with MVOC the key influence on tiering, at the wide end is BLUEM 2013-1A CR (coupon +415bps) with CVR 98.55 at 448dm / 4.8y WAL – this has a very low MVOC 109, high ADR 1.7, high Sub80 4.4, high CCC 9.0, tripped Jnr OC cushion -0.7 (DR tranche immediately subordinate is PIKing). 2 x BB trades with coupons (+625-640bps) around new issue levels (Sixth St BBB +650bps) so it’s not a surprise these trade at a discount. A 3.0 CLO OAKC 2020-5A E (+625bps coupon) covers at a discount 98.5 at 648dm / 8.9y WAL (NC Jan 2022) with strong metrics all round. GILBT 2017-1A E (GSO) covers higher in cash px terms 99.04 at 658dm / 6.7y WAL (similar coupon +640bps) with NC passed and EoRP October 2022, metrics are not as strong eg. MVOC 106.8 but given this bond is callable (despite a cuspy bond coupon) this has more optionality and better execution.
Just 1 x AAA trade today. St Paul’s 4 traded at 100.05 / 134dm. According to Bloomberg Blackrock 2 reset at 79bps over floored Libor. Both data points indicate a tightening in the AAA curve of 1bp.
19 March 2021
15 covers, all IG today, US LLI down 4bp on the day (down 16bps wow). AAA trades carried bond coupons >110bps and hence all traded around their par ceiling in a 112dm-123dm range. We maintain our generic AAA curve at 113dm.
USD CLO Mezz/Equity
AA also traded at its ceiling, with Sixth St new issue pricing +145bps CIFC 2013-1A A2R which has a coupon around our secondary curve +175bps covers at 100.03 at 174dm. Furthermore 3.0 remain well bid CRNPT 2020-9A B (coupon +269bps) covers 100.20 at 264dm with NC in 3 months. Single-A trades at par ceiling with the exception of a low coupon 2.0 STWRT 2015-1A CR (+180bps coupon) that covers 99.52 at 190dm which is tighter to our generic secondary curve 216dm, this bond has good performance (ADR 0.6, Sub80 0.7, IDT cushion 1.6) so trades slightly inside. BBB all trade at the ceiling 312dm-385dm versus our generic secondary curve of 359dm with bond coupon range +315-385bps, CIFC 2019-3X C best bid 100.27 (high coupon +370bps) and has great performance metrics from a benchmark manager.
18 March 2021
26 covers today, dominated by mezz again whilst US LLI softens 7bp on the day. All 3 x AAA trades cover near par with CGMS 2014-1A A1R2 the weakest execution of the day with 99.9 cover since this is low coupon +97bps and trades at 100dm – new issue in early 100s for longer WAL and m90s for 3y WAL whilst our AAA generic curve is 113dm (flat to yesterday)
USD CLO Mezz/Equity
AA trade similar to AAA, at a small discount given the softer feel today. With new issue in 145-150bps IPT and our generic curve 173dm (+2 dod). VOYA 2015-1A A2R trades furthest from par at 99.69 cover (+125bps coupon) equivalent to 135dm / 3.4y WAL. A number of single-A trades today clustered around +190bps coupon, with credit performance driving tiering above and below par. BSP 2013-IIA BR2 has the weakest execution 99.27 at 204dm and has a weak MVOC 115, elevated ADR 1.6, high CCC 10.3 and cuspy IDT cushion 0.4. NEUB 2017-24A CR covers 100.06 and has a strong MVOC 120.6, lower ADR 0.9, lower CCC 5.1 and strong IDT cushion 2.6 and a stronger manager record vs peers. BBB new issue IPTs are +295area with our generic secondary curve 360dm, COOK 2018-1A D covers weakest today 97.69 (coupon +260bps) driven by a weak MVOC 111. BB have widened 6bps on the day to 681dm with new issues talked in +635area. Today’s trades have coupons <650bps and as such don’t get close to their ceiling, at the wide end is Man’s GLGU 2018-2A DR that covers 95.15 at 729dm / 4.6y WAL, this has a low MVOC 103.8, cuspy IDT cushion 0.5 and a high ADR 1.7 whilst the manager has a weak record. Single-B trade 929dm-1079dm with tiering driven predominantly by MVOC, with OZLM 2018-20A E at the wide end 1079dm / 7.4y WAL – low MVOC 103, high ADR 1.4 and cuspy IDT cushion 0.6 with a cover of 84.88.
There are 3 x AAA trades today. All of them are from amortising deals. Arbour 4 is a fixed rate bond and traded at 100.02 / S+176bps. The other two traded around 100.04 and around 135dm.
There are 4 x AA trades. They are all 2019 vintage and traded between 100.07 and 100.17 with spreads between 215dm to 220dm. We make this 3 bps wider.
The only BB trade, Oak Hill 3 traded at 95h / 627dm which is unchanged.
17 March 2021
Heavy mezz supply today with US LLI dropping 9bps on the day. Just one AAA trade today, HLM 3I-2014 A1R (HPS) trades at it’s ceiling 100.035 117dm / 3y WAL (+118bps coupon) with new issue talked in early 110s and this trading at generic secondary levels which we observe at 115dm.
USD CLO Mezz/Equity
AA behave in similar vain to AAA (trading at ceiling) with only HLM 3I-2014 A2R cover at a slight discount 99.96 (+170bps coupon) 171dm – with new issue talked 145bps-150bps and our generic curve 165dm this is only slightly wide to that and market prices in likelihood of refi/reset. Single-A new issue are talked +185bps-190bps with our generic secondary curve wide to this 231dm, the low coupon on GALXY 2017-24A C +170bps means execution is weaker with a cover 99.27 at 184dm, with higher coupon HLM 3I-2014 BR with +240bps coupon and cover 99.9 at 242dm / 5.1y WAL, this bond has clean metrics with only IDT cushion a little cuspy at 0.8. Heavy BBB supply today, new issue talked +295bps area with our secondary generic curve 363dm, with bonds typically carrying a coupon below +300bps trading below par with the severity of discount based off credit performance. Some exceptions to this rule including another HPS bond HLM 3I-2014 CR (+360bps coupon) with cover 97.5 at 410dm / 5.5y WAL – MVOC is weak 109.2 and IDT cushion is cuspy 0.8 with a weaker manager record vs peers. At BB the new issue market is more opaque given bonds do execute at a discount, our generic curve is 675dm with new issue talked in lm600s context. BBs that trade at their ceiling have a coupon > 690bps and are 3.0 structures with 2.0s typically trading at a discount with the severity of this driven by MVOC and interest diversion proximity with coupon level an influence. See PriceABS trade listing for details.
16 March 2021
A quieter day today with 12 covers and 1 disclosed DNT, all IG – AAA and BBB with US LLI continuing to tick up (+1bp dod) and AAA broadly flat. With AAA new issue in vl110s context bonds with highest coupons are best bid, KKR 30A A1 (+150bps coupon) covers 100.34 142dm / 4.2y WAL which puts into perspective the value versus 3y AAA refi/reset paper in m90s context in new issue. Bonds post reinvestment and delevering continue to see execution around par ceiling whilst weaker bonds with cuspy coupons like VENTR 2017-28A A2 trade at a small discount (CVR 99.94) – high ADR 1.9, high Sub80 4.4 and cuspy IDT cushion 0.5 from a weaker manager MJX.
USD CLO Mezz/Equity
BBB secondary generic range has been in 345dm-400dm context recently with new issues in +290s context, we have observed a 2-5bps widening in BBBs over the past couple of days. Trading range today 418dm-472dm is dominated by weaker names / weaker performing bonds - VENTR 2013-15A DR2 covers at the wide end of recent context 472dm / 7.3y WAL (CVR 95.15) despite a high coupon +392bps, but this deal has a high ADR 2.3, high Sub80 5.8, cuspy Jnr OC cushion 0.1 (WA collateral px v low 95.7) and a weaker manager profile.
There are 6 x AAA trades today. CVC Cordatus 17 priced at the height of the pandemic driven widening at 195bps margin. All the others have margins between 65bps and 93bps. CVC Cordatus 17 traded at 227dm. The others were between 112dm and 128dm. This is a tightening on the AAA curve of 4bps.
There are 8 x AA trades. Contego 2 is in amortisation and traded at 152dm. The AA curve is unchanged.
There are 2 x A trades. Palmer Square 2020-2 is a static deal and closed in late 2020 and traded MH100h which is around 313dm. Madison Park 11 traded at 98.20 / 257dm.
There are 4 x BBB. Palmer Square 2020-1 is also static and traded around 426dm.
Tikehau 3 (BB rated) traded at 95.45 / 616dm.
15 March 2021
USD CLO Mezz/Equity
Just shy of 50 covers today whilst a continued positive tone on leveraged loans (US LLI +2bps) allowed for an all mezz execution day. AA trades are both 2021 vintage with coupons +175-185bps and execution a shade under par in cash px terms 99.56 on both. Single-As are talked +185-190bps in new issue, execution today reflects this which bonds that trade at their ceiling carrying coupons > 200bps with the exception of TRNTS 2017-7A C (+220bps) which covers 98.79 245dm / 5.2y WAL – MVOC at the low end 118.7, elevated ADR 1.5, high CCC 10.9 and a tighter IDT cushion 1.5% than benchmark bonds whilst the manager’s record is slightly weaker to peers. BBB new issue is talked in 290bps-295bps area whilst secondary context has been 350dm-400dm, with credit influencing execution today, ZAIS7 2017-2A D covers 88 at 622dm / 5.8y WAL, this is higher coupon +375bps but is downgraded to Ba1, low MVOC 107, high ADR 2.5, high Sub80 5.2, CCC 8.5, IDT cushion on the cusp 0.2 and manager record weak to peers. At the other end of the scale is CGMS 2019-4A C (Carlyle) which has a +400bps coupon and covers 100.65 390dm / 8y WAL – 0.1 ADR, 0.55 Sub80, 4.1 CCC, IDT cushion 4.5. With BB bonds talked in early 600s context in primary with some bonds offered at a small discount this lines up a little more with secondary context which has been 650dm-720dm. Execution today is through these wides 721dm-786dm with bonds trading at a significant discount (up to 9pts). The 2 bonds that carry coupons +560bps-620bps which are tight to new issue and cover in 91.3-91.4 context (725dm-786dm) despite good credit quality illustrating the basis that new issue refi/resets are causing.
12 March 2021
A quieter end to the week with 14 trades, all IG. US LLI up 4bps on the week but remain 20bps down on YTD highs. AAA hover around par, in some cases a slight discount to par with a coupon array +90bps to 108bps cuspy to lower WAL refi/resets in mid-90s context and longer WALs (6y) in 105bps-115bps context. The exception being CFIP 2014-1A AR (CFI Partners) that carries a +132bps coupon and sound performance on the deal but with an inexperienced manager (4 CLOs under management) this did not meet with premium execution.
USD CLO Mezz/Equity
AA new issues are in 140bps-145bps context, HPS’s HLM 7A-2015 BR covers at a discount 99.45 134dm / 3.5y WAL given the low coupon +118bps along with the fact that this has an elevated ADR 1.3 and a poor manager record. Furthermore the basis between a 2.0 and a 3.0 AA with similar coupons (+165/+170bps) is evident with 60c differential in execution, with the defensiveness of the structure and portfolio between an Elmwood 3.0 cover 100.27 (MVOC 131, ADR 0.2, Sub80 0.35, IDT cushion 4.1) and a Marble Point 2.0 cover 99.635 (MVOC 127, ADR 0.8, Sub80 3.29, IDT cushion 0.1). Single-A new issues are in 175-190bps context, with 2.0 bonds with coupons 200bps+ cover close to par for long and short WALs, which clearly have different profiles (in reinvestment period versus delevering 2-3y past EoRP). One BBB trade, Highland Capital’s ACIC 2015-6A D (coupon +377bps) which is post reinvestment with sound metrics for a bond that has been through the pandemic cycle without the ability to trade (IDT cushion 2.75, MVOC 123 and WA Collateral px 97), the cover is 100.05 at 375dm / 2.9y which offers attractive value versus new issues in vh 200s context for longer WALs.
Only 1 AAA trade today. Armada 2 traded at 100.01 / 125dm.
The one BBB, CGMSE 2014-1, traded at 97.37 / 374dm which is a touch wider on the day.
11 March 2021
More than 40 executed trades today so heaviest liquidity since last week, with US LLI retracing 7bps since Friday close with a more positive feel today. AAA trade at their ceiling with Halsey Point’s 3.0 HLSY 2020-2A A1 best bid 100.61 167dm / 3.3y WAL (high coupon +186bps / strong metrics and cushions).
USD CLO Mezz/Equity
At the AA level bonds with a coupon of +160bps-170bps are on the cusp of execution around par given new issue has ground in to mid 100s this week (Elmwood II reset talked +140-150bps). With new issue single-As talked now in the high 100s execution in secondary is weaker for those bonds with coupons < 200bps, NEUB 2018-27A C for instance (+170bps coupon / strong metrics MVOC 121, Jnr OC cusion 3.2) covers 99.68 converted to 176dm / 5.4y WAL. ARES 2019-52A C (+268bps coupon) which is also a 2.0 covers 100.13 at 266dm / 6.5y WAL with similar metrics. With new issue now talked in +300bps context this has only limited impact upon execution with credit factors more pivotal, especially IDT cushions and MVOC, Crestline’s DEN14 2016-1A DR covers weakest at 94.8 (split BBB/Ba1) 421dm / 7.1y WAL (coupon +335bps) with MVOC at the low end 110, WARF elevated 3359, CCC high 8.9 and IDT cushion negative -0.25. On the other hand BCC 2019-1X D (Bain Cap) covers 100.14 (high coupon +385bps) with better performance MVOC 112.2, CCC 7.5, IDT cushion 2%. One BB today, a 3.0 from AGL AGL 2020-6X E covers above par 101a 729dm / 6.6y WAL (high coupon +748bps / strong MVOC 111 / IDT cushion 4% and 0 ADR and 0 Sub80) with new issues talked in early 600s this bond offers value even at a small premium to par.
There are 3 x AAA trades today. ALME 2 is in amortisation and traded at 124dm. Avoca 21 has a lower margin of 89bps and traded at 122dm. Rockford Tower 2018-1 has a margin of 103bps and traded at 145dm.
There are 6 x orig AA trades today. 4 of them are from amortising deals and have been upgraded to AAA (Orwell Park, Contego 2, CGMSE 2015-2 and Harvest 14). The other two, Mackay Shields 2 and Henley 1, are more recent deals with higher margins and have traded with wider DMs (267dm and 209dm respectively).
There are 3 x orig A trades. Cairn 3 is amortising and the orig single A has been upgraded to AA. It traded at 195dm. The other two traded in H200s to 300dm.
10 March 2021
35 Covers across the cap stack today. AAA trade around their ceiling level of par with the exception of OZLM 2015-11A A1R (Sculptor) that covers 99.92 (+125bps coupon) 128dm / 3.3y WAL – ADR is high 1.7 and Jnr OC cushion is cuspy 0.8 whilst the manager record is weak to peers.
USD CLO Mezz/Equity
AA bonds behave the same as AAA with two exceptions that cover at a small discount, both of these bonds are from weaker managers, whilst MVOC are at the low end (126-127 vs 127-129 benchmark). Single-A bonds trade at the ceiling with a higher coupon 3.0 OAKC 2020-6A C better bid 100.48 (+275bps coupon) with NC next month. BBB trade at a discount with dm range 282dm-462dm, Blackrock bonds continue to trade tight (99.58) given the conservative pools/structures MAGNE 2015-15A DR covers 99.58 282dm / 6.7y WAL (bond coupon +275bps / NC passed). At the other end of the scale Carlyle’s CGMS 2014-1A DR covers 94.38 (similar coupon +260bps / NC passed) but MVOC is 2.7pts below the Blackrock bond, ADR is > 1pt higher, Sub80 is 1.5pts higher and IDT cushion is cuspy 0.7 whilst the manager record is weaker. Clean BB bonds like Napier’s REG12 2019-1X E (109 MVOC, 0.3 ADR, 0.5 Sub80, 4 IDT cushion) trade at their ceiling 100.34 cover in this case with the coupon +685bps with BB new issue slightly inside this. MORGN 2018-2X E is ‘out of the money’ from a reset point of view and from an inexperienced manager – covers at 92.52 698dm / 6.8y WAL. There is significant of tiering of bonds at the level (almost 8pts in today’s execution) in the capital structure for small shifts in dynamic/credit.
There are 5 x BB trades today. They are all reasonably clean bonds. The outlier looks to us like Madison Park 11 which traded lower than we expected, based on its performance.
There are 2 x B trades. Barings 2014-2 traded at 90.35 / 946dm. CGMSE 2016-2 traded at 100.01 since it has been called via a reset which is closing on 15 March 2021.
9 March 2021
26 covers today, predominantly mezz. AAA trades today 108dm-111dm for bonds with coupons +108bps-113bps which is aligned with new issue AAA pricing, bonds trade at around par.
USD CLO Mezz/Equity
2.0 AA trade in similar context to AAA (at a small premium to par) 148dm-169dm. BBB trade in a narrower dispersion 345dm-439dm with trades carrying bond coupons +260bps-348bps, with all bonds trading at a discount to par with little basis in MVOC amongst the line up. With new issue in vh200s context bonds with coupons > +300bps are better bid, along with a very short FLAGS 2014-8A DR with EoRP 2019, delevering and as such high MVOC 115.5 better bid despite CCC 21, Jnr OC cushion -4.2% and tranche beneath PIKing. At the wide end is BLACK 2016-1A CR that covers 92.80 (coupon +300bps) 430dm / 6.3y WAL – ADR is high 1.7, CCC is high 10.3 and Jnr OC cushion is cuspy 1.1 whilst the manager has a weaker profile to peers. BB bonds trade in a characteristically wide dispersion 625dm-934dm with new issue in the mid-600s context the array of bonds that carry coupons close to this or lower trade at a significant discount to par. MORGN 2019-4A E is well bid in h90s context 742dm / 5.8y WAL (coupon +700bps) with strong metrics all round, bond is callable in July but is already migrating towards par given the market environment. 2 x single-B trades today with covers in the 80s cash price and 1000dm context (coupons in high 700s context) whilst new issue is spotty for single-Bs and issued at discounts there is not much visibility into the pathway for resetting for second loss single-B bonds, so the focus on these bonds is clearly on the credit quality, MVOC and proximity to interest diversion (see PriceABS trade listing for full details).
There are 6 x BBB trades today. The only distressed bond is Madison Park 8 which has a low MVOC of 114.21% and a low Jnr OC cushion of 1.23%. It has the highest margin of 465bps which keeps it price up at 99h. The range of DMs is from 318dm to 500dm (for the Madison Park 8 bond). Overall we see a softening of the BBB curve of around 10 bps.